Smart Indian School celebrated World Earth Day on 26th April, 2023. The celebration aimed to ensure that each student is well informed and engaged as environmental stewards, and to make them know that continued efforts in our lives will make this beautiful planet thrive.

To boost earth-friendly behaviour among the students, the Department of Science organized various activities pertaining to the theme of Earth Day 2023 ‘Invest in Our Planet’. Colouring Competition, Wonder from Wastes, Logo Designing Competition, and Digital Poster Making Competition were some of the activities that were conducted. These activities provided a platform for the students to pave the way for a revolution in education to save planet Earth. All the students from different classes actively participated in different competitions and beautifully decorated their classrooms with the items that they had made from the reusable wastes. These activities enabled students to understand the importance of taking personal responsibility for our planet, putting together their efforts, and getting into the action to protect our environment and our mother earth.