Established in 2006, IES is more than a decade old now. Our alumni have spread their wings far and wide. We at Bhavans still cherish their moments with us and would like them to remain connected to their roots. Standing true to the culture and tradition of the school we would like the unique family bond at Bhavans to extend beyond the school days. With this prescience of ‘staying connected’ Bhavans initiates the alumni association.
The association aims to celebrate the rapport and the coming together of Bhavanites. The students who have graduated can revisit their Alma Mater and contribute to its growth by sharing their experiences and expertise. Furthermore, we intend to hold reunions to join those bits of memories, and to celebrate the strength of the bond that we share.

Mission of Alumni Association
Alumni Association of IES intends to foster a spirit of loyalty to promote the general welfare of our organization and the people associated with it. Leveraging the alumni community can be a win-win for both the institution and the alumni. Many of Alumni are willing to ‘requite’ to their alma-mater as a sign of their gratitude and affinity towards the institution. However, most of them are unsure of how and what should be done towards this. An effective alumni network assures the alumni as a significant stakeholder by making them actively participate in the institution’s developmental activities.
- To cherish the sweet and unforgettable memories of the institution by being connected to each other.
- To play an active role in voluntary programmes mentoring students in their areas of expertise.
- To provide beneficial career guidance to many students and other fellow-alumni in their respective areas of study.
- To promote active student involvement in the activities of the institution.
Rules & Regulation
- Each member of the Alumni Association will be given a charter membership ID by the IT department of Indian Education School. This ID number will be the admission number of the student with IES.
- Admission number will be provided only on written request if anyone has forgotten it.
- All the posts in the website will have a thorough screening before they are posted and only through admin, after the approval of the matters, they will be posted.
- Negative comments, posts or derogatory research for anybody will lead to cancellation of the membership.
Governing body
The affairs of the Alumni Association will be managed and administered by the Governing Body which shall consist of the following members:
- The Chairman of Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Middle East
- The Principal, Indian Education School, Kuwait
- Senior Vice Principal, Indian Education School, Kuwait
- CCA Vice Principal, Indian Education School, Kuwait
- Admin- IT Department, Indian Education School, Kuwait
- Alumni meet -The Student Alumni Board will conduct an annual meeting of the members of the Alumni Association in conjunction with the IES, Governing Body.
- Special meetings of the members may be convened at the request of the student Alumni Association for organizing events for the betterment of the students.
- All the events of the school will be intimated to the members of SAAIES (Students Alumni Association of Indian Education School) in anticipation.
- Sufficient notice of upcoming events, meetings, including their agenda and purpose will be sent to the active members via email or other appropriate means such as social media.
- The alumni also can forward the events and news in their respective realms to the admin. They will also be uploaded after getting approval from the governing body.
Giving Back
- he Alumni members can donate time and skills to annual events that raise awareness of the institution or foster community interaction.
- Attending alumni events or returning to campus for Homecoming is an easy way to show your support and affinity to your alma-mater.
- The Alumni members can organize and execute voluntary programmes mentoring students in their areas of expertise.
- The Alumni members can exercise their leadership skills by forming a committee/club in the city which is a great way to stay connected and give back to the institution, while strengthening their networking at the same time.
Teachers Alumni
To maintain an intense relationship with the teachers who relentlessly served the institution, their contact numbers also will be uploaded. This will enable everyone to be in touch with each other whereby a stronger fraternity message will spread to the far ends of the world
Photo Treasure
The album created in the website will be updated with colourful class photos. The Alumni members can also contribute inspiring photos to the album by sending them to our admin to upload.