A fancy dress competition not only blends learning with fun but also develops students’ confidence by allowing them to speak in front of the whole school. To celebrate this fun-filled learning activity the students in the kindergarten wing of Bhavan’s Smart Indian School and Jack and Jill Pre-School participated in the fancy dress competition held in November 2022.

This competition entails more than just donning a costume. Children learn to role-play as they get into character. Children are encouraged to think outside the box, practice expressing various emotions, and utilize their language abilities to communicate as they learn to mimic the characteristics of the character or object they are dressing up as.

The medium could not limit the creativity of the parents who dressed children with boundless imagination. Pre-KG students were dressed up in the theme ‘Fruits and vegetables, KG-1 were dressed up in the theme of ‘Healthy and junk food’, and KG-2 children were dressed up in the theme of ‘Symbols of your hometown’. Children also participated with a lot of enthusiasm.

Their lovely innocent words and stage performance won the hearts of teachers, parents and the judges. The competition was a great success and was a great learning experience for the students.


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