‘Every kid is a different kind of flower and all together they make a beautiful garden.’

Kindergarten is the first concept of school a child always experiences.  It is here that children make new friends, learn new ideas, solve new problems, reach new goals, make new mistakes and have fun the whole way through. The children of Bhavans Smart Indian School and Jack and Jill Preschool celebrated the National Kindergarten Day on 21st April honouring the founder Friedrich Frobel who developed the concept allowing the transition from home to formal school for children easy.

The day started by teachers welcoming the colourfully dressed children into the classes with songs and handshakes. The KG1 tots were given cut outs of elephant ears and a small balloon and were asked to make an elephant. The children used their creativity and imagination to come up with the cutest of elephants.  KG2 children on the other hand were introduced to the world of musical instruments and were inspired to make a rattle drum with things provided to them. Each student came up with a fun and innovative rattle drum which was a sight to behold.

The kindergarten at Bhavans SIS and J&J, allow young children to investigate and explore, learning in an active, hands-on way that makes the child an active participant in their own learning. The celebration of National Kindergarten Day was indeed exciting and memorable.


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