“I Am and I Will”

World Cancer Day was marked on 4 February 2021 at Bhavans Smart Indian School to raise awareness of cancer and to encourage its prevention, detection and treatment. Students of Grade 8: Nifansa, Aravind, Esther and Ashvanth along with their classmates built this campaign for the students of grades 5-11. They campaigned for anawareness that everyone has the capacity to address the cancer burden. Teacher Saritha, Science HOD, welcomed the zoom participants.Students were taken out of the regular MS Teams classes and were sent to the zoom auditorium. After the campaign activity, students resumed their classes in MS Teams.

Students of grade 8 presented speeches, anecdotes of cancer survivors, skit to the students for a substantial change. Presenters appeared to the students one by one with their presentations which were imperative and realistic. Eventually this campaign made everyone understand that we can work together to reduce cancer risk factors; we can overcome barriers to early diagnosis, treatment, and palliative care. Everyone felt hopeful that we can work together to improve cancer control and achieve global targets to reduce premature mortality from cancer and NCDs.

With this statement ‘make a commitment to act and stand up for a cancer-free world’ Mr. Mahesh Iyer, Principal of Smart Indian School, said thanks to those Grade 8 students who partook in campaigning for World Cancer Day 2021. Rekha, a science faculty, delivered the vote of thanks to all the participants and a special remark was for those students of grade 8, Sai Srikhar, Mathew, Aniketh for their technical support. Coordinators of this significant campaign Nifansa, Aravind, Esther and Ashvanth thanked the Science department and the management for letting them explore and conduct this campaign constructively as an agent of change.


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